Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of And no regime can buy or sell me I've been dreaming of a time when To be English is not to be baneful To be standing by the flag not feeling Shameful, racist or partial Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of And I will die with both my hands untied
Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of And no regime can buy or sell me
I've been dreaming of a time when To be English is not to be baneful To be standing by the flag not feeling Shameful, racist or partial
Irish blood, English heart, this I'm made of There is no-one on earth I'm afraid of And I will die with both my hands untied
Letterina di Natale
Un Sms, una storia. Di Natale Due. Ovvero, come fare (di nuovo) gli auguri in 160 caratteri.
Separazione consensuale
Un Sms, una storia. Di Natale. Ovvero, come fare gli auguri in 160 caratteri.
Piccolo segretario e le "Donne della Val Trompia verso il Partito Democratico"
Ricordati di santificare le feste
Driving away from home
Dialogo sopra le automobili, gli autovelox e i treni
Traccia di un monologo al volo per il corso di teatro
Santa Klaus si è dimesso